Hey,how do you like my design ?

By 阿杜.Steward

Hey, just would like to know how you guys like my freshly designed poster for Feiyue. Actually I stole this idea from an ad hanger on the street the other day :P

-I'm pretty satisfied with this vintage touch of combination
-"请走型人道" and Feiyue's double arrows symbol "<<". -In Chinese,“请走型人道” has the same pronunciation with "请走行人道",which means, "Please Follow the Zebra Crossing".

-while-“型” in Chinese, means fashionable,stylish, and “人” means people.

Now you learn Chinese on this as well :) ,"型人"->stylish person, "行人" pedestrian.

Have a good days!


Anonymous said...

do you want to have a meet ? we r design sneaker in shanghai ,our brand is kiroic, we want to do something for chinese old famous sneaker, add my msn:yip.issac@gmail.com

阿杜.Steward said...

hey, Issac. let's grab Shumeng along too !

Anonymous said...

Think you could inject the Feiyue arrows (Red/Blue) into the Pedestrians feet, on the sign too?

It would only be as big, as a few pixels

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